Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Mavs Have Chance to End It. Game 5 Tonight 8:30 in San Antonio

Will Los Mavs succeed in defeating the 4-time champion Los Spurs?

The Dallas Mavericks have a chance to do tonight what they haven't been able to do since their NBA Finals season of 2006: advance past the first round of the playoffs. This will not be easy as the San Antonio Spurs have their proverbial backs against the wall tonight at home. I have gone through this before on here but I will do it again; the Mavericks simply have not been a very good team on the road this year especially against good teams. 18-23 was their record away from home this year, only 8 of those came against teams with winning records. San Antonio's record at home was a not too shabby at 28-13. Of course, in the playoffs, they are 1-1 so it will be interesting to see how it plays out. Dallas is a veteran team, and a veteran team should know how to close the door on a beaten and demoralized Spurs team; even on the road. Isn't that why they traded a young and blossoming PG for one with years of playoff experience under his belt?

3 Keys to putting the San Antonio Spurs out of their misery:

  1. Defense: The Mavericks have allowed under 90 points per game to the Spurs for the entire serious. This hasn't been because on any individually dominating defensive performance, this has been a team effort. The Mavs must keep up their defensive intensity. Jason Kidd will likely continue to guard Tony Parker for long streches throughout the game, so the anus (anus??!) is on him to make the Frenchman work hard for every basket. Kidd isn't going to shut Parker down (or even control him a little, more likely) but he can "tire him out", as Parker has been noticably winded in the 4th quarter throughout the series. (Side Note: How is a 36 year old athlete able to "tire out" a 26 year old athlete?). As has been a key throughout the series, Erick Dampier must continue to put in work on Tim Duncan while also providing weak side up on Parker drives to the basket.
  2. Jason Terry: Terry has had a rough series, averaging 12ppg and shooting a horrid 34% from the field. This is a player who averaged near 20ppg during the regular season on 46% shooting. JET is due to have a break-out game in this series, and I don't see why it couldn't be tonight in S.A. The Spurs are going to continue to concentrate their defense heavily on Dirk Nowitzki, that is a given. More importantly, I can see them beginning to focus their attention on Josh Howard as he burned them again the last game of this series with 28 points on 50% shooting. San Antonio is going to have to pick their poison here, after Terry went 3 of 17 from the field in the last game, I would expect them to take some of the defensive pressure off of Terry and leave Parker on him for longer stretches. Tony Parker cannot guard Jason Terry. Therein lies a problem for San Antonio, and an opportunity for the Mavericks to get their 6th man of the Year into a rhythm for the first time all series.
  3. The Role Players: How will the Dallas Mavericks that have contributed mightily to a 3-1 series lead (JJ Barea, Brandon Bass, Erick Dampier, Ryan Hollins, Antoine Wright) react to their recent success? How will the Spurs players (Entire team besides Duncan and Parker) respond after their abysmal failure in game 4, in which they combined to score 22 points? Most of these Mavericks players are younger players(excluding for Damp) with the oldest being Antoine Wright at 25. I am interested to see how they respond to the Mavericks' veteran players repeatedly comparing this situation to a game 7 in which they have to win. The Spurs team is older with only 3 of their rotation regulars (Roger Mason, Drew Gooden, and George Hill) under the age of 29. I expect them to come out with a much better effort than in Game 4 and to contribute much more than 22 points total.

This will be a tough game for the Mavericks, as the Spurs will refuse to go quietly. This is a Spurs team that was down 3-1 last year to the New Orleans and came back to win the series, so it would be unwise to count them out. They also forced an epic game 7 with the Mavs in 2006 after being down 3-1. Dallas knows what is on the line, though, and will battle throughout. I wouldn't be surprised if the Mavs lost on a last second shot, sending the series back to Dallas for game 6. Fortunately for Mavericks fans, Dallas will win game 6 at home.

Spurs Win. Series goes to 3-2.


  1. Please explain to the people why on earth you are rambling on about baseball here without a single mention of the NFL draft. Were you even aware it was going on this weekend? Maybe you should remove "Dallas Cowboys" as your first choice on the list of Dallas sports, since some tard baseball game seems to take precedence.

  2. Your prediction = wrong. Mavs in 5, holmes. You're credibility is shot.

  3. Go Mavs!!! Wooohooo!!!!

  4. Where's the game wrap up post?????!!1! Good lord!!! Come on!!! I need my wrap up!!!!

  5. Rangers won too. Um could we get any kind of post today? WTF? The ANTICIPATION! I can't stand it!!!

  6. Dear Mr. Dpagesportsblogspot.comguy,

    Please post something.



  7. You fail worse here than those people who act out role playing games.

  8. So, I guess I'll be filling in for dpagesportspersonguy today.

    Rangers: Come back win. Millwood hung in there threw over 100 pitches. Rangers ralied to take the lead in the bottome of the eighth. Franky came in and shut them down in the 9th. Game = synopsized(sp?)!

    Mavs: Went up by 10 early since Pop decided not to double Dirk. Never really looked back. Kidd was nails on threes. Series over, Mavs win.

    You are now up to date.

    Thank you.

  9. Oh, also since there was no draft post:

    Cowboys took a bunch of spares.

    Consider yourself up to date.

  10. Doesn't seem we are getting a before-noon post from mrdpagesportshumanpersonbeing.com today. Just for fun I thought I'd post something from the 2006 Mavs victory. (They had just gone up 3-1).

    In honor of Blackie Sherrod:

    Scattershooting while wondering what the fuck happened to my colostomy bag...

    1. Tim Duncan is a whiney whiney bitch.

    2. The TNT broadcast beats me into submission. Can they really not find anyone better than Reggie Miller? Must Mavs fans really be subjected to the musings of Steve Kerr? Was it not enough to ass rape Mavs fans for one quarter a couple of years ago? Shouldn't Marv Albert be busying himself with forced sodomy and cross-dressing? I wish someone would pluck that dead fucking beaver off the top of his head. Just admit you're a bald pervert and get it over with.

    3. How the hell did San Antonio get a professional sports franchise to begin with? It's not exactly a booming metropolis and never has been. My guess is the city fathers have pictures of commissioner Stern blowing Bill Russell's massive rhino appendage.

    4. Manu Ginobili - This guy would have never made it to the NBA had he played street ball in the US. Even suburban kids would have kicked his ass repeatedly for all his flopping, bowing-up and crying. Oh and nice nose. He looks like he has a big veiny cock in the middle of his face.

    5. Bruce Bowen - Wasn't the NBA supposed to implement a rule where you couldn't undercut someone taking a jump shot? What the fuck happend to this? This tool's made a career out of this. No wonder his Daddy abandoned him. I haven't seen it called once, ever.

    6. Brent Barry - Hate his Dad for being an arrogant know it all blow-hard. Hate his brother for that stupid 3 point dance in last year's playoffs. But mostly I hate Brent because, like his brother, his only talent is standing motionless behind the 3 point line and hitting wide-open jumpers. He must be really tough to beat in horse.

    7. Kenny Smith beleives that the Spurs have the Mavs right where they want them down 3-1. I'm sure this was the plan all along. Don't start REALLY playing until you are one loss from elimination. That guy is a fucking genius. I'm going to vomit the next time I hear him talk about what it takes to become "a Champion". All it took for that guy was Clyde Drexler and Hakeem.

    8. Fuck Charles Barkley in his big fat ass. Imagine being so stupid that you don't even know when you are being insulted. Note to fat ass - Ernie, Kenny, and the rest of the world really do think you are stupid. They may smile at you but, hey fuckhead, noone is kidding.

  11. Still waiting... Guess I'll look around the interwebs and see if perhaps anyone else covered the Rangers and Mavs last night. I'm taking my business elsewhere, sir! You have lost a valued customer! The manager will hear about this. Plus, i'm super offended by the post above. You shouldn't allow such unmitigated filth on your interwebnet page! Hrmphh!!

  12. I'm leaving this worthless rag too. My children read this with me, & you have such filth in your comments?"

  13. *Clutches pearls and gasps* Well, I never...

    Did that commenter use the "F word"?????!!!!

    That is IT! So long, dpagesportsmanorwomanperson.comnetorg! I won't be back!

  14. I wish I could report the likes of you to someone. My 10 year old son won't stop saying "big veiny cock" now. THANK YOU so called Dallas sports guy

  15. Dear anonymous commenter above me,

    You can report this website to the yahoo police. They will send out a strongly worded letter. Consider yourself chastized Dpagesportbloggerathome.com! BURN!

  16. Just read the above, & these comments are the best part of this site. I'll definitly be coming back.

  17. Breaking news: dpagesports.com.net.org reports that the Mavs did indeed beat the Spurs last night. Story to follow sometime next week. Stay tuned.

  18. Some fun facts (not being provided here):

    • The Spurs lost in the first round for the first time since 2000 vs. the Suns.
    • For just the second time in Tim Duncan's career, San Antonio was eliminated from the playoffs at home. The last time was when Dallas ousted the Spurs in the 2006 Western Conference semifinals.

    • San Antonio's loss was just its third in its last 17 home playoff games.

    • Dirk Nowitzki led the Mavs with 31 points, his 30th career 30-point playoff game.

  19. Some more fun facts regarding the Rangers (not being provided here)

    • Kevin Millwood improved to 5-3 in his career vs. the A's.

    • The A's two-game winning streak ended.

    • Oakland outfielder Matt Holliday is homer-less in 70 at-bats this season.

  20. I'm learning more from the comments section than the actual blog. Thanks to last poster

  21. You're welcome, anonymous poster above me! Just a good semaritan here, trying to do my part to inform the masses about the Cowboys, Mavs and Rangers. Whenever our fearless blog leader is not around, I'll be here. Count on it!

  22. Mavs suck!!!! Spurs were hurt, you guys suck!

  23. Does anyone know when I can expect a post about the Mavs and Rangers? I don't want to have to call them manager, but I expect a little better service than this.

  24. Anyone know when the Rangers play the Red Sox at home? I want to see us stomp them live

  25. The Mavs will get completely crushed next round, yo.

  26. @ Redsox dork - Looks like July 20th. LOOONNGGGG wait there buddy"

  27. No shit. Ginobli was hurt. NO WAY the Mavs win if Ginobli plays. Go Lakers!"

  28. Go Lakers? Yet another retarded fairwheather fan. Also, ginoBLOW wouldn't have made a difference. Spurs are old & dead

  29. Did the Mavs play last night? I was thinking the game was still going on. According to this page the game is either about to happen or still has not concluded (which would have to make it the longest game in NBA history btw).

  30. What a game! I mean this has to be an ESPN instant classic!!! Games been going on for at least 17 hours now. How many overtimes? That must be some kind of a record!!! oMG!
